Monday, January 23, 2017

I swear we are still alive...

Howdy gang,
                Holy hell has it been a long time or what?! If you are following my on Facebook, you already know that between work, the holidays, and the never-ending string of plagues that have been terrorizing our home…I have managed to get way behind on my postings. I’m not even sure where to begin honestly. So much has changed since my last post at the end of November. My little lady has gotten big! She is like an actual little person now. Her personality is really taking shape, she is very mobile, she is eating real foods, and she is finally back on a semi-legit sleep schedule! I guess I will backtrack a little bit to Christmas…
                So, I am not a fan of Christmas. When I was little I was, but what little kid doesn’t like presents? As I got older though, despite her best efforts, I found out what my Ma had to go through in order to put presents under the tree. She really didn’t want me to know because she wanted me to have a nice Christmas every year; but she worked extra hours, she sold plasma, she maxed out credit cards, put things on lay away, borrowed money from friends and family. All so that I could enjoy Christmas. After finding out what see was putting herself through to accomplish this, it kind of put a damper on the whole season. Mix that with my grandmother passing away just before Christmas and it makes for a young dad that doesn’t care for the season in general. BUT, now I get it. I get why Ma did all of that. When you are a parent, you have to put all of your shit aside in order to make your kid happy. So I put on my best version of Christmas cheer and did the whole thing. Put up decorations, bought and wrapped presents, traveled around to the different families, and did it all with a smile on my face. I did learn that buying presents for an infant is bullshit though. She was way more thrilled with the wrapping paper and cardboard tubes from the wrapping paper than she was with any of the gifts. We only did one large gift for her, which was a Radio Flyer wagon. I am a firm believer that every kid needs a Radio Flyer. I still have mine from when I was a kid, but there have been some pretty insane advancements in wagon technology since 1988. Mine is all metal, rusted to shit, and presumably full of tetanus. Hers is plastic, comes with cup-holders and seat belts, and has bench seating. Kid is only 9 months old and is already spoiled as shit.
                We have also been passing around wave after wave of sickness in our house. It has been utter nonsense. I got it first, gave it to Ewok, then my wife got it, then I got it again, then my wife, then Ewok, then me again, then Ewok, and now my wife is coughing again. My wife and I also got some weird stomach bug mixed in there twice! I won’t get super graphic, but let’s just say that it was firing out of both ends. We don’t know what the freaking deal is though. We have used Lysol on everything in the house, sterilized all of her toys, washed everything article of clothing and blankets in our home, even sani-wiped all door knobs and cabinet latches in the house and we STILL keep passing this shit around. The weird thing was, that at any given time it would be either my wife or I sick when Elizabeth was, so there was always 1 healthy adult to take care of the other 2. Which was kind of nice, because I couldn’t imagine both my wife and I being sick with Elizabeth feeling spry and moving around the house struggling to keep up. But it did make for a shitty couple of days for whichever one of us was healthy since that left only 1 person to do EVERYTHING in our home. Kids are seriously just little petri dishes. I have had to call in more in the last 6 months than I have had to in the previous 4 years combined! It is insane.
                As I said, Elizabeth’s personality is truly starting to form. She is generally a goofy, happy-go-lucky, smiley, little lady. She LOVES to play peek-a-boo, hide and seek (a infant friendly version of course) and she loves to play “chase mommy” where I pick her up and we chase mommy around the house. She has become insanely ticklish in the last few weeks. She giggles and giggles when you tickle her neck and she kicks her feet and squeaks when you go after her feet. She loves to be read to. I don’t usually make it home for bed time, but my wife reads her 2 or 3 books every night before bed and she looks forward to it. She will seek out and pull out books from her book box. She does pretty well at flipping pages even!  She is super inquisitive and is always trying to figure out what Mommy and Daddy are doing. Now that she is actually crawling, she tends to follow us around the house just to see what we are doing. We do our best to always talk to her and explain what we are doing. I’m unsure what she actually picks up, but my Ma and several books that we read, claim that talking to infants about even your mundane activities builds their vocabulary. So, we figure it is worth a try.
                Speaking of vocabulary… SHE FINALLY SAID DADA! She started saying Mama a while ago. Usually she would only say it when she was fussy or tired, but she was still saying it. My wife said she started saying Dada while she was playing. Just talking to herself and saying “Dadadadadadadada”. Then we had a short stretch where we are pretty sure she was calling me “Bop”, but then we got 2 confirmed Dadas within a few days. I woke up and found Elizabeth eating breakfast , I walked up and she said clear as a bell, “Dada!” and giggled. Then just last week, I hadn’t seen her for almost 5 days when I overheard her saying Dada to herself while my wife was getting ready in the morning. I dragged my ass out of bed and went out to see her before they left. Elizabeth saw me, got super jazzed, said “Dada” and crawled faster than I can walk over to me and started tugging on my pajama bottoms until I picked her up. Seriously, that kid has me so wrapped already. My heart melted.
                So along with her legit crawling like a boss, she has also started pulling herself up on things left and right. We did end up having a small issue though two weeks ago. You see, I stayed home with Elizabeth since she was sick, but this kid was not my kid. She was possessed by some sort of shitty demon. She was awful. She would cry for NO reason, she kept biting and punching me, there was nothing I could do to console her. I had been texting my wife all day saying how awful she was and how I was ready to, and I am quoting here, “put her little ass in a kennel and leave her outside” when all of a sudden her normal personality came through and she felt like playing. She pulled herself up on one of her walker toys and got so excited that she pulled herself up all by herself that she forgot to keep holding on and fell to the side and cracked her head on the coffee table before I could swoop in. She ended up with a big old goose egg and all I could think of was, “ there is no way that my wife isn’t going to believe that I didn’t beat her!”. Of course, my wife knew as frustrated as I was, that I would never lay a hand to my daughter and we laughed about her first official goose egg. The real funny thing was that after I calmed her down she wanted to keep playing and she managed to bonk her head 3 more times while attempting to crawl under the chair and the coffee table.  She would look up at me like it was my fault and I couldn’t help but laugh at her.

                I need to get better about getting these post updates up. This has been an extremely cathartic experience for me. There are many times as a new parent that you feel kind of trapped. Sidenote: Elizabeth, if you are reading this, I love you but you are a serious time and money suck. This has allowed me to vent and so many other parent have talked to me after reading one of my posts and said how they felt the same way. So in that regard, perhaps it is just as cathartic for some of you reading to know that you aren’t alone. I still wouldn’t trade any of this for anything…except maybe a dog. I promise not to wait 2 months in between posts this time though. As always, thank you for reading, check out Fatterhood on Facebook, and PROST!