Monday, April 17, 2017

Elizabeth's Easter

Howdy gang,
                UGH! A few weeks ago, I was in the process of working on two different blog posts when I committed a cardinal sin of being nerdy…I didn’t save them. My computer crashed and I didn’t save either one beforehand. What a dumb ass. I will give you the short and sweet version of both of those posts.
                Post 1: Teething and work suck.
                Post 2: The Minnesota Wild game was a blast and Elizabeth loved swimming in the hotel pool.
                There was more of course, but that is the gist of both. So, now on to the new post! This last weekend we had Easter dinner at my in-laws which also doubled as Elizabeth’s birthday party. We opted for a very low-key affair with limited family and no friends. It was perhaps a strange and unpopular choice, but we stand by it. We’ve been so damn busy lately that the very thought of having to prepare for, entertain, and clean-up a birthday party sounds like as much fun as allowing Elizabeth to shit directly in to my open mouth. We love our friends and our extended family, but we frankly just didn’t have the energy to do the full shindig.
                Elizabeth still managed to have fun though. Of course, she giggles at her own toes, so it isn’t very hard to entertain her. She had a wonderful cake that was baked and decorated by my sister-in-law, she received many books, a few stuffed animals, a name sign that my Uncle/Godfather made for her; in short, she made out like a freaking bandit. The books are more appreciated by my wife and I than by Elizabeth though. We’ve read her existing books so many times that we kind of dread reading time. I’ve taken to making up my own stories since Elizabeth doesn’t know what the hell I am really saying anyway. My Father of the Year Award is most likely in the mail already.
                Over the weekend we had amazingly nice weather. Sun was out, wasn’t too hot, wind wasn’t terrible, etc. We spent a good chunk of Sunday outside enjoying the swing set that my in-laws got for Ewok, playing in the grass, going for a walk, and just generally enjoying NOT being stuck inside. Elizabeth had never really felt grass until last weekend. Last summer she was “too little” to play in the grass. I put that in quotations because I call bullshit. My wife had a wee bit of First Time Parent Syndrome and was/is a touch overprotective. That being said, I don’t buck it too much because generally speaking my wife is far smarter than I am and as a general rule I also know jack-shit about raising a child. So I do my best to just go with the flow.
                Anyway, back to my initial thought/story. She loved pulling out the grass and examining it with the same look of confusion and intensity that I usually reserve for when I encounter a salad. She loved getting the fresh air and going for a walk in her stroller. The more interesting part of the day was her reaction to her swing. At first we weren’t sure that she liked it. We put her in and gave her a push and the look on her face was one of utter boredom. A little dismayed, we pulled her out of it and she proceeded to point at the swing, make a grunt sound, and then point or hit her own chest. It seemed like she was trying to tell us to put her back in the swing. We obliged and the cycle continued. When we went inside the house, she went to the porch window and pointed at her swing and then pounded on the glass. Now, we’ve been making an extra effort to go outside and get some fresh air before we do our dinner and bedtime routine. Out of nowhere this evening, she started just giggling and smiling the whole time she is in the swing. I’m not sure I will ever figure this damn kid out.
                My wife has been trying to pound in a legit bedtime routine and she has made some great headway. She is really good about letting us know that she is tired right around that 7:15 mark. She gets to pick out 3 books, they read them, they move in to Elizabeth’s bedroom, Elizabeth turns off her bedroom light, and they rock for a bit before my wife attempts to lay her down in the crib. She has had limited success with this routine. Most nights, I would say a solid 60% of the time, she puts herself to sleep in her crib and is OUT by 7:45 or 8. Then there is the other 40% that is not as successful. For instance, tonight it was 10:00 before my wife was able to get her out. She kept trying to play even though she was obviously tired. The great accomplishment that my wife has is that, for the most part, we are down to only 2 wake-ups a night and she is great about just going back to sleep by herself. That is a great improvement from the 1,248,372 times she was getting up every night. This though has lead to an interesting conundrum…
                You see, I can sleep through anything. And I mean ANYTHING. I’ve literally slept through a tornado. My wife on the other hand is an incredibly light sleeper. In theory, this actually shouldn’t be a huge issue because I am also a night owl while she is the proverbial early bird. So again in theory, one would think that I would just stay up with Elizabeth (since I am up anyway) and then my wife would take over from about 5am onward. But here comes the wrench, if Elizabeth is being fussy (like she is currently due to teething) my wife will wake up for every single sniffle. So what we end up with, is my wife staying up all night taking care of Elizabeth, since she won’t be able to sleep anyway and Elizabeth tends to prefer Mom for comfort, while I stay awake all night playing video games, surfing the internet, and reading. Before any of you co-parents out there start getting our torches and pitchforks ready, make sure you read the part where I strongly imply that I would LIKE to help out. We are going to attempt a solution that is far from perfect, but that we hope will help. We will start having me be on the night watch and my wife will start sleeping in our downstairs guestroom so that she won’t hear Elizabeth fuss or cry. My prediction though… my wife will attempt this, but will find herself lying in bed and will keep herself awake because she doesn’t hear anything. I got $20 on that right now. We will see.

                I will have another post up very soon as I have one in the works and I have saved it this time. As always, thanks for reading, checkout Fatterhood on Facebook, and check back soon. Prost!