Saturday, September 10, 2016

Fat-dad : the bone crusher

Howdy all,

Just got back from an E.R. visit in Madison. We were down here for the Badger game with our good friends Doc and Ginger, I will post about the weekend later, but I had to tell this tale. After the game the 6 of us went out for dinner on State street. I was beginning to get my trademark mood of hangry so we nestled in at a nice little restaurant.  We were sitting in our booth and Ewok had just ate and was now ready to play. I put her up on the table and ran through my catalog of moves to keep her entertained. One of these new moves is while we are at home she has become really good at standing on her own with her just holding on to my hands for support. Normally at home we perform this maneuver on the couch, but she does so well with it that I didn't even think about the fact that a slippery table may not be the best place to do it. Her feet slipped a little which made her legs buckle and all of her weight came crashing down on just her right wrist. I felt a little pop and she started screaming. This was the type of scream that is normally reserved for finding a dead body, but she belted it out. We were able to calm her down and even get her to sleep in the restaurant,  but then we noticed that she was avoiding using her right arm all together and whenever we would touch it, she would start screaming again. Doc looked her over and figured that nothing was broken, but couldn't be sure. I was so upset with myself that I couldn't even eat. I rushed everyone out of the restaurant and wanted to at least get back to the hotel so my wife and I could figure out a game plan. We got her in to her car seat and the screams started again. Doc and Ginger drove us to the nearest E.R. as something was obviously not right at this point. We were seen and the Dr. told us that it was actually a super common minor injury. She had a name for it which is escaping me right now, but essentially when Elizabeth fell she twisted a tendon in her arm. The Dr. did a little adjustment on her arm, took some x-rays to be safe (nothing broken or dislocated thank god), gave her some Tylenol and sent us on our way. Doc and Ginger drove back to the hotel and grabbed our car and then drove all the way back to drop it off too. This is easily the worst feeling I have had as a parent or even as a human being in general. This sweet, tiny, fragile little girl depends on my wife and I for everything and I hurt her. It was totally unintentional but that fact does very little to make me feel any better. Between her arm, teething and just having a long day in general at the game, our little lady sure isn't the happiest creature right now. And it is my fault. My wife keeps telling me that it was an accident, that she is fine, and that I was just trying to make her smile, but I still feel like shit spread over burnt toast over it. Of course my wife isn't wrong, she rarely is, I guess I just hope my little Ewok will feel better tomorrow morning and that someday this will be a story that we laugh about. Man, that feels better. I will update y'all soon. Thanks for reading and please have a beer in hope of Ewok's speedy recovery. Prost.

1 comment:

  1. Mom says this happened to me as a kid... And I turned out alright!
