Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Enter Fat-man...errr...Sandman

Howdy gang,
                Last Thursday was perhaps my most upsetting and proudest moment as a Father so far. I had finally gone to bed at around 1am, I was getting comfortable, setting my alarm, etc. when Elizabeth started to stir in bed. She has been doing this crazy thing where she lifts her butt up with her legs and then slams it back down in order to get our attention. My wife woke up and fed her. While Elizabeth was lying in bed getting her diaper changed and almost ready to pass back out, she caught a glimpse of me in the dark. It took a while for her eyes to adjust to the dark and to register what she actually was seeing, but then she lit up with this big smile. My wife immediately went “oh no”, but I was pretty excited. She hadn’t seen me all day since I was at work and she was already in bed by the time I got home that night. Seeing that big toothless smile on her face made me so happy, but as it turns out she equates Daddy with play time now. So at 1am she was now wide awake and ready to play. My wife looked about the opposite of thrilled, but then I said that I would stay up and get her back to bed so she rolled over and went back to sleep. I could tell Ewok was still tired, but damned if I could get her to fall back asleep. After about 45 minutes of walking around and gently patting her butt she finally passed back out.
                When I picked her up from daycare on Friday I was told she was kind of a crank all day. Elizabeth, my wife and I ended up meeting Doc and Ginger and their new baby girl to go see a baseball game. We stayed out late and Ewok wasn’t really having any of that shit. She was very good at the game, but right about the time she would fall asleep the crowd would roar or some loud music would be played. Luckily we were able to sleep in late on Saturday before a wedding of a close high school friend of my wife and I . Despite the teething, she did very well at the wedding. Everyone wanted to see her and hold her and for the most part she was great about it, but for whatever reason every time she came close to a specific friend, Elizabeth would start crying. And I mean really crying. I have no idea what the deal was at all, Ewok just wasn’t having any of that shit. A family friend took Elizabeth for an hour or so in order for my wife and I to get a few dances in at the reception. We left a little before midnight, but when we got home we discovered that we had left our beloved teething giraffe Sophie at the wedding! Holy shit did Sunday suck without Sophie. Luckily, Sophie was found “alive” and well and was returned to us last night then. All is well now in our kingdom.

                I would like to thank you all for reading and as promised, we are working on a post from my wife’s point of view. I hope to have it up very soon. So check back soon and don’t forget to like Fatterhood on Facebook. Thanks again. Prost!


  1. Not how I imagined meeting your little girl. We locked eyes and immediately I saw the big pouty lip which began to quiver followed by the shrieking cries and burying her head in your chest while peeking out the side of her eye to see if that awful lady was still looking her way! Got to say, I took that quite personally and still have not gotten over it..

  2. What can I say, Ewok is kind of a little twat sometimes. She gets it from her mother. All seriousness though, she was just REALLY tired, I doubt it was actually your face that angered her so much.
