Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Howdy gang,
                I am currently writing this post while sitting in my hotel bed, 3 hours away from home, sipping on my Ecto-cooler juice box (yes they are back!), and eating my Jurassic World fruit snacks and I am not sure how to feel. I still have a sick little Ewok at home. Which means that I am glad that I am not getting pooped on, thrown up on, coughed on, or just generally snotted on. But due to some weird twist of fate mixed with a serious dose of Oxytocin…I wish I was there. Boogers, poop and all.
 Our poor little peanut got sick over the weekend, as you are aware. She had seemed to be doing better for while, but my wife got a call from the daycare on Monday saying that they were pretty sure that she had pink eye. The silver lining to this was that we didn’t have to leave work to pick her up right away because she was the 3rd or 4th one in the room to show symptoms, so they assumed the damage had been done. I had to do a supply run to one of our blood mobiles which meant 6 hours on the road in a van that didn’t have working air conditioning in 90 degree heat, while I filled it with my McDonald’s induced farts the entire time. I rushed home as soon as I could and met my wife to pick her up from daycare. They said that if she could be treated yet that night, that there was a good chance that she would be able to come back to daycare the next day and neither of us would have to miss work. What a great thought.
We took her to our local Urgent Care since we couldn’t get in to our doc. She was doing ok, but her right eye was all goopy, had diarrhea, and was just generally not feeling great. So it was not emergent. We went in, got registered, went through triage and then we found out that children under a certain age must be seen in the E.R., not in Urgent Care. That really sucks for my insurance. Next time I will tell them that I have pink eye so that I can save the damn money. Anyways, we waited. And we waited. And we waited. Other people were starting to get all upset, but considering that we got pushed back due to a person with a stroke coming in, a obviously broken leg, and a small child that had apparently brained herself on a coffee table, my wife and I were okay with waiting. We were finally seen after about 2.5-3 hours and Doc came in and said, “Yep. It’s pink eye”. Well no shit. How long did you spend in school? Give me a damn script so that we can fill it and go home!
By this time it was 830 and we were in a mad dash to get the script filled because the doc and daycare said that if she had 3 applications of the ointment that she could go back to daycare and we wouldn’t have to miss any work. Well…miss isn’t the right word, but you get my meaning. Of course, the pharmacy was busy as all hell and there was some sort of complication with the script. So we waited about another 30-45 minutes before we could even leave there. Got home and we quickly did some math only to realize that either way one of us was going to have to stay home until we could get the other 2 applications in her eye. Tuesday I was the only person on call, but our scheduling department wasn’t sure where I was going to be sent, only that I was for sure getting called in. So my wife, the saint, called in to work and let me sleep in until I got the call saying that I didn’t have to be in until noon. I could have just stayed with her and dropped her off on my way to work!
I made it in and apparently one of our other mobiles had been cancelled due to a truck breaking down, so one of my amazing coworkers offered to work my shift for me so that I could pick up Da Butt and take her home and snuggle her. I took her up on that offer and grabbed the Ewok and we went home and snuggled on the couch. It seemed to do her a lot of good too. But later that night she started getting a stuffy nose. It became so stuffed that she couldn’t breathe right and so she had trouble sleeping. I am calling at least 25% bullshit though, because she didn’t seem to have any trouble sleeping as long as you were holding her. I ended up staying up until about 3am with her just rocking in my recliner and of course watching Supernatural.
I went to work on Wednesday and my wife was sending me picture updates most of the day. She seemed again to be doing ok, but when I got to the hotel and called my wife she informed me that the pink eye had spread to the other eye, that she had a pretty good cough going and was very sleepy and just generally upset. She has been pretty damn good natured though throughout this whole thing though. She fusses a little bit, but she just wants to be snuggled. That I can handle. I won’t get home until about 11p.m. on Thursday, but I plan on bolting home and getting some great daddy-daughter snuggles in on my recliner as soon as I possibly can.
Like I said before, daycare centers are just Petri-dishes, but they are a necessary evil. I would love to be in a situation where I didn’t have to work (or at least work a regular 9-5) and I could spend more time with her, but that just isn’t the case. My wife makes the real money, but I have the insurance. It seems as though we have painted ourselves in to quite the corner. In the meantime, I plan on just wearing a HAZ-MAT suit whenever I pick her up from daycare and then spraying everything we own with Lysol and bathing Elizabeth in Purell every night. If only those damn window licker kids would stop blowing their snot bubbles on everything. Gross.

As per usual, thank you all for reading, check out Fatterhood and Facebook, don’t be afraid to comment or drop me a line. And until next time…Prost!

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