Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hooray for the madness!

Howdy again all,
                Like I said, I had to make up for being such a lazy piece of crap for the last two weeks and as promised, I have to tell the tale that has lead us to me watching The Ewok all by my lonesome tonight. So, my wife and I had a plan to go see one of our all time favorite bands play last Saturday at The Varsity Theater in Dinkytown. We had it totally planned out. We would go up Saturday late morning and go to my brother-in-law’s house and hang out for a while with our nieces for a few hours, go get some food and then head to the show leaving The Ewok with my brother-in-law and his wife for the evening. We would go to the show, rock our socks off, return to my brother-in-law’s house, sleep there for the evening, get up, have breakfast, leave in the late morning and then head to visit some friends, stay for about an hour, then head home and be back by 3pm. Well, due to Fat-dad being a total idiot…that whole plan shit the bed.
                On Thursday while at work, I get a text from my buddy that bought the tickets asking when we were planning on leaving Friday. I thought he had a made a mistake on the day…nope. So now I am in a mad scramble. Can we find a babysitter? Maybe my in-laws? Should we just bring her? We ended up deciding that my wife would just stay home with her and I would go and just find someone to buy her ticket. This is just another example of why my wife is a damn saint. I got out of work late, but met up with my friends and we zipped up to the cities. I am about to go on a very short tangent that has nothing directly to do with my daughter, so I apologize. The band we saw was Motion City Soundtrack. My wife and I saw them for the first time when we were 16 or 17 and still in high school. Between the two of us we have seen them play at least 30 times if not more. I know they are just a band, but they have been a huge part of our lives as we have been listening to them for well over 12 years. When my wife left to go to school in Milwaukee, one of their song lyrics kept us going “if we keep swimming baby this will never die”. One of the first posts on Fatterhood was named after one of their songs “The Future Freaks Me Out”. This show was a part of their farewell tour as they are breaking up and this was going to be our last chance to see them. So this is why her sacrifice is truly impressive.
                The show was awesome. Don’t want to rub it in to any fans out there…but it was. I made it home at about 2 am. Woke up the next morning and we made our way back up to the cities since my brother-in-law and his wife were kind enough to clear their whole Saturday/Sunday for us, we decided to head on up and visit anyways. We also decided to utilize our very first babysitter. We decided to go out to dinner in Minneapolis. I was totally distracted while eating dinner, because I didn’t know what to do. For the last two months I have a little creature with me whenever I am eating. It felt so strange. We were going to go see a movie, but we decided that it was getting too late and we probably wouldn’t stay awake anyways. We thought maybe a comedy club would be fun. All of them required reservations and all of the available shows were at 10pm. So…on our very first date night while baby-less, we ended up going to Target to buy diapers because they had a sale on Huggies. (Side note: m             y wife is a coupon master. There was a deal on wipes and diapers, mixed with a manufacturer’s coupon and topped off with a cartwheel deal. It was honestly impressive, even the cashier was impressed) We decided that it happened…we are lame as shit now. My Mom used to say that she used to be cool and then I was born. I get it now…
                We went back, I stayed up bullshitting and drinking with my brother-in-law until about 3 am. The next morning I regretted that decision almost immediately as my family was kind enough to let me sleep until about 10, but we had 2 very hungry nieces on our hands by this point. We went out to dinner and I hate myself stupid. We said our goodbyes, the 4 year old refused to say goodbye because she was mad that we were leaving. It was a glimpse of Fatterhood future yet again.
We then drove about an hour to a friend’s house to meet up with them. We realized we hadn’t seen them in almost 3 years and they just recently had a new baby. So now they have a 3 year old and a new born. Like I said, I don’t like to use people’s names in these posts without their permission, so let’s call these high school friends of ours Jenn and Sven. We arrive at Jenn and Sven’s house and their family was over as well. Since we come from a small town it wasn’t awkward at all, we knew them and they knew us. I would explain all of the connections, but it would get very confusing. So Jenn’s sister and her husband (we will call them JJ and Ebony) were there with their baby that was born in March. It ended up being kind of surreal to be with the old gang from high school in the home that one of them owns and we each had kids, right after being at a show that made me feel like I was in high school again. We talked parenting, caught up, and generally bullshitted. It was a whole new kind of fun. Most of my guy friends are single and living the bachelor life, so being in a room filled with parents and we are talking about how our daughter poop on us all the time. Not sure which one I like better, having someone to commiserate with about the ups and downs of parenting or going out and drinking and getting to be a general dumbass with the boys. Apples and oranges I guess.
Anyways, we said our goodbyes and made our way back home. By the time we make it home, I am tired, hung-over, and hungry as all shit. Apparently, so is Da Butt (minus the hangover of course) and she isn’t having any part of dad’s planned nap time. She just starts screaming and crying and shaking. I am trying to calm her, but it’s at this point that while screaming in my ear at full volume…she grabs a big handful of my beard and pulls with all of her tiny might. I lost my shit. I white girled it. I couldn’t even! Gave her to my wife and her trap shut right up. I made dinner, we ate and all was good in our world again.
How does all of this leave me alone with my daughter tonight? Well…Motion City Soundtrack is such a popular band, that they have sold out 5 shows at the Varsity Theater for their farewell show. Our buddy is such a big fan, that he bought tickets for multiple nights and he happened to have an extra ticket for tonight’s show. So my amazingly awesome, patient, beautiful, funny, smart wife…will get to go see Motion City Soundtrack for their last time in their hometown. She deserves a night out for sure. Sucks that we couldn’t go together because my dumbass can’t read a ticket stub, but I am glad that we both got the chance to see them. I will of course be writing a post about how tonight goes…

If you are interested at all, I highly suggest checking out some of Motion City Soundtrack’s music.This is one of my personal favorites. I have always described it as happy sounding sad music for sad people trying to be happy. In the meantime…hooray for the madness and prost. Thank you for reading.

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